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Section 1 - Name. The name of the organization shall be Central Arizona Biomedical Libraries.

Section 2 - Purpose. The purpose of the Group shall be to promote and provide continuing education for its members; to promote cooperation among medical and allied health libraries; to assist in the development of member library resources.

Section 3 - This association is organized for educational purposes within the meaning of section 501 © of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954.


Section 1 - Members in good standing are persons or institutions engaged in the provision of medical or allied health library information services, including retirees, who have paid dues.


Section 1 - Annual dues shall be ratified by a simple majority vote of members in good standing at the December meeting.

Section 2 - Dues shall be payable at the beginning of the organization year, in January. Notices shall be sent to members who have not paid dues by March 1.


Section 1 - The fiscal and administrative year shall be the calendar year.

Section 2 - Business meetings of the members shall be held no fewer than four times per year.  These and any additional meetings shall be at the call of the President or any member of the Executive Council.

Section 3 - Authority. Robert’s Rules of Order, latest edition, shall govern the association’s deliberations, unless such rules are in conflict with the Group’s bylaws or special rules of order.

Section 4 - Quorum. Twelve members in good standing shall constitute a quorum for the conduct of official business.  Action involving purchase or disbursement of funds in excess of 250.00 dollars or other areas of debate in which the Executive Council wants greater input from the membership will be put to the membership for a vote. All members in good standing will be polled using written or electronic ballots. A simple majority of the votes cast in such extraordinary polling will determine the outcome of the issue under consideration.


Section 1 - The Group’s officers shall be the President, President -Elect, Secretary, Treasurer and Immediate Past-President.

Section 2 - The officers shall be members in good standing.

Section 3 - The Group’s officers shall assume their duties after the December meeting and will hold office for the term of one year (with the exception of the Secretary and Treasurer who shall serve a two-year term and are elected on alternate years) or until their successors are elected.

Section 4 - The President shall preside at all meetings of the Group and shall perform the necessary duties of office; appoint all committees, e.g. Nominating Committee; carry out assignments and instructions given by vote of the Group; convene the Executive Council.

Section 5 - The President-Elect shall assume and perform the duties of the President in case of absence or disability of the President; be responsible for the program of each Group meeting; be responsible for the distribution of meeting notices. The President-Elect will serve on the Continuing Education Committee of the Medical Library Group of Southern California and Arizona (MLGSCA), and so must be a member of MLGSCA during the year served as President-Elect.

Section 6 - The immediate Past-President shall provide consultative assistance to the Executive Council to assure continuity of Group affairs and shall serve as the Chairman of the Nominating Committee; shall prepare and mail election ballots.

Section 7 - The Secretary shall record minutes of the meetings and distribute prior to the next Group meeting; perform general correspondence duties as requested by the President, President-Elect, or Executive Council.

Section 8 - The Treasurer shall collect dues, CE registration fees and other monies owed the Group; pay the bills of the Group; present a written account of receipts and expenditures at scheduled meetings; maintain a list of members in good standing; update and distribute annual membership directory.

Section 9 - The officers shall serve without compensation, but shall be reimbursed for any expenditures incurred in the discharge of their duties. 

Section 10 - The officers shall be expected to attend all scheduled meetings.


Section 1 - The Executive Council shall be composed of the President, President-Elect, Secretary, Treasurer and Immediate Past-President, and other representatives as appointed by the President.

Section 2 - The Executive Council shall have general supervision of the affairs of the Group between its business meetings; shall fix the day of those meetings; shall make recommendations to the Group; shall adopt the Group’s annual budget; and shall perform other duties prescribed by these Bylaws. A copy of any budget adopted by the Council shall be sent to members of the Group. The Council shall be subject to the orders of the Group and none of its acts shall conflict with actions taken at the Group’s business meetings. 

Section 3 - The Executive Council shall hold regular meetings prior to scheduled Group meetings. Special meetings can be called by the President or upon written request by ten percent of the active members of the Group.


Section 1 - A Nominating Committee shall consist of three members to include the immediate Past-President as Chairman and two members appointed by the President at the fall meeting.

Section 2 - The Nominating Committee shall present to the Executive Council prior to the issuance of the ballots the names of one or more active members of the Group for the following offices and terms: President-Elect every year, Secretary and Treasurer every other year.

Section 3 - Election shall be by ballot which shall be distributed to each active member prior to the December meeting. Provision shall be made on the ballots for write-in candidates. Ballots shall be returned to the Chairman of the Nominating Committee by the date specified. The Nominating Committee shall count the ballots. Candidates receiving a majority of the votes returned shall be elected. If there are more than two candidates, a plurality of the votes shall be sufficient for election. In case of a tie for any office, decision shall be by a majority vote of members attending the December meeting. Ballots shall be retained by the Secretary for a period of one year.

Section 4 - The Chairman of the Nominating Committee shall announce the names of the newly elected officers at the December meeting.

Section 5 - A vacancy arising in the office of the President shall be filled by the President-Elect, who shall serve out the unexpired term of the President. A vacancy arising in the office of the President-Elect, Secretary or Treasurer shall be filled by appointment of the President.


Section 1 - An archivist shall be appointed by the President for one year at the December meeting and may serve an unlimited number of consecutive terms.

Section 2 - The archivist shall have the duty to collect, maintain and house the records of the Group.


Section 1 - A person shall be appointed by the President for a one year term at the December meeting and may serve an unlimited number of consecutive terms.

Section 2 - The Hospitality Coordinator shall have the duty to arrange social correspondence and new information regarding members and their life events. 


Section 1 - A person shall be appointed by the President for a one year term at the December meeting and may serve an unlimited number of consecutive terms.

Section 2 - The Web Site Coordinator shall be responsible for overseeing the maintenance of the CABL Web site.


Section 1 - A Nominating Committee of three members in good standing shall be appointed by the President at the Fall Meeting. The Past-President shall serve as chairman of the committee.


Section 1 - Bylaws amendments may be proposed by any member in good standing. Written notice containing the change will be sent to each member in good standing at least thirty days before the vote on the amendment takes place.  All members in good standing will be polled using written or electronic ballots.

Section 2 - Bylaws shall be adopted after approval by a simple majority of the votes cast and become effective the month following the vote.


Section 1 - To foster cooperation and maximize resources, CABL encourages its members to provide interlibrary loan services to other members free of charge, whenever possible. Individual institutions are encouraged to implement reciprocal no-charge agreements when it is advantageous and desirable to the libraries involved. Such agreements should be documented by the libraries involved using NLM and DOCLINE statistics.

Section 2 - When a CABL member finds that (s)he must initiate charges for interlibrary loan services, the member should present the proposed fee schedule to the membership at least two months in advance of its implementation.

Section 3 - If a library (lender) is being asked to lend excessively to one particular library (borrower), then the lender is encouraged to request that the borrower move the lender to a higher cell in the DOCLINE routing table as an alternative to charging all member libraries.

As amended December 5, 2008.



CABL - Central Arizona Biomedical Libraries